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UNESCO: temple of bel destruction in Syria is a crime against civilization
Paris, September 2: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) firmly condemned on Tuesday the destruction of the Temple of Bel in Syria by militants of the terrorist organization ‘Islamic State’ (widely known as ISIS), reported TASS news agency.
The director-general of UNESCO firmly condemns the destruction of the ancient temple jf Baalshamin, an iconic part of the Syrian site of Palmyra, a UNESCO world heritage site
Director-General of UNESCO Irina Bokova firmly condemns the destruction of Palmyra's ancient temple of Baalshamin, Syria
Russia’s permanent delegate^ USA unlikely to sit on UNESCO’S executive board
Every month more than 214 christian churches and objects of cultural heritage are destroyed
What can Russia learn from the terror act in Kenya?
Patriarch Kirill: christianity is the most persecuted and oppressed religion
Puppets that once belonged to crown prince Alexei, IOPS honorary member, returned to Tsarskoe Selo museum
The director-general of UNESCO calls for all Syrians to Commit to the safeguarding of cultural heritage in Bosra and Idlib
The Sergei Courtyard. Yuri Grachev, Oleg Ozerov
A christian monastery arsoned and vandalized in Jerusalem
Fire broke loose around 4 o’clock in the morning inside the water closets of the seminary where windows were smashed. The walls of the building were vandalized with ultra-nationalist, racist and insulting graffitis against Christian faith and the person of Christ. Three fire brigades rushed to the scene, located not far from the Old City, and quickly mastered the flames, stopping the fire from spreading out over the entire building. No one was hurt.
The Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society cancellation ceremony was held in the Head centre of IOPS
Ceremony was held in the Head centre of IOPS
Oleg Romanov
History of a leave from the Codex Sinaiticus in the collection of the Society of Lovers of Ancient Literature. E. A. Borisovets
The Society of Lovers of Ancient Literature was established by the well-known historian of literature, book lover Prince Pavel Vyazemsky in 1877.
Third Conference of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society elected new members of the Board of IOPS five clergymen of the Russian Orthodox Church
Third Conference of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society elected new members of the Board of IOPS five clergymen of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Russia to Build Complex on Putin Street in Bethlehem
BETHLEHEM, February 15 (RIA Novosti) - Vladimir Kozhin, head of the presidential administrative directorate, on Friday officially launched the construction of a business and arts complex for Palestinians in the West Bank city of Bethlehem on Vladimir Putin Street.
First Russian school to open in Bethlehem
Moscow, January 23, Interfax - The first Russian school in Bethlehem is due to open on September 1, 2014.
Greetings to participants in opening ceremony of Russian school in Bethlehem
Vladimir Putin sent a message of greetings to participants in the opening ceremony of a Russian-language school built with the assistance of the Russian Federation and the support of President of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas.
Russian school in Bethlehem to strengthen Russian-Palestinian ties - Putin
Moscow, September 2, Interfax - Russian President Vladimir Putin said the Russian school that has opened in Bethlehem will strengthen humanitarian ties between Russia and Palestine.
Russian School Opens in Bethlehem
PRAVMIR. August 29, 2014. On September 1st, the head of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IOPS) Sergei Stepashin will open a school on a street named after Vladimir Putin in Bethlehem.
The Headquarter and the museum of Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society
The Museum of IOPS
About orthodox interchurch relations in XVI–XVII centuries. Pavel Gusterin
Pavel Gusterin
Center for Asia and the Middle East of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies
The mount of olives convent/ Nun Taisia (Ostrikova), Nun Marina (Chertkova), Vladimir Dauvaldier
The Mount of Olives is one of the holiest places on the earth. It is first mentioned in the Bible over a thousand years before the birth of Christ, in the Second Book of Kings, where one finds described the expulsion of King David from Jerusalem and his withdrawal to the Mount of Olives for prayer (II Kings 15:23, 30-32).
Israel ready to return church property in Jerusalem to Russia
Moscow, June 14, Interfax - Israel has generally agreed to transfer the St. Sergius Metochion and the building of the Russian church mission in Jerusalem to Russia, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a Thursday press conference in Moscow in comments on a meeting of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IOPS), whose honorary member he is.
Israel Hurriedly Handing Over Jerusalem Compound to Russia
The State of Israel is rapidly evacuating Sergei's Court in central Jerusalem and will hand it over to the Russian Embassy on Tuesday.
Russian Center of Pilgrimage, Tourism to be built in Jerusalem
Moscow, January 30, Interfax - The Russian Center of Pilgrimage and Tourism will be built on the side of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem department’s office of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society is consecrated
On 7 March 2006, Archimandrite Elisei, chief of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission, consecrated a temporary office of the Jerusalem Department of the revived Imperial Orthodox Palestinian society (IOPS).
Stepashin elected chairman of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society
Sergey Stepashin, chairman of the Russian Audit Chamber, has been elected chairman of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society at its meeting devoted to its 125th anniversary.
Signing of Memorandum on Cooperation between Russian Foreign Ministry and Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IOPS)
State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Grigory Karasin and Chairman of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society and Chairman of the Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation Sergey Stepashin signed a Memorandum on Cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society on June 9, 2008.
Russia receives three Holy Land plots
Russia has received three plots of land in Jericho in the West Bank, a RIA Novosti correspondent said on Monday from a ceremony in Moscow to hand over land ownership deeds.
Russian Presence in the Holy Land
On June 12, 2008, the annual meeting of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society, or IOPS, took place in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.
Международная деятельность
Начальник Русской духовной миссии, действительный член ИППО архимандрит Вассиан (Змеев) посетил Иерусалимского Патриарха Феофила
Действительные члены ИППО приняли участие в торжественной церемонии, посвященной 80-летию установления дипотношений между Сирией и Россией
Торжественный прием в честь дня Русской духовной миссии прошел в Иерусалиме
Россия и библейский регион
Начальник Русской духовной миссии в Иерусалиме, действительный член ИППО архимандрит Вассиан (Змеев) посетил Патриарха Иерусалимского Феофила
РПЦ начала изучение вопроса о канонизации начальника Русской духовной миссии в Иерусалиме
Действительные члены ИППО приняли участие в торжественном мероприятии по случаю 65-летия основания Российского центра науки и культуры в Дамаске
Общественный центр ИППО по защите христиан на Ближнем Востоке и в Северной Африке
Зампред ИППО, Руководитель Общественного Центра ИППО по защите христиан на Ближнем Востоке и в Северной Африке Елена Агапова выступила в Общественной палате РФ на заседании круглого стола «Нарушения прав верующих в мире: итоги года»
Заместитель Председателя ИППО Елена Агапова приняла участие в работе круглого стола в Общественной палате России «Крещение Руси и его значение для формирования культуры и идентичности современной России»
Представители ИППО приняли участие в торжествах на Подворье Антиохийской Православной Церкви в Москве
Наука. Археология. Издания
Между ИППО и ФГУП «Госзагрансобственность» подписано соглашение о сотрудничестве
В эфир радио «Вера» вышло интервью руководителя Кипрского отделения ИППО, посвященное книге «Странствования Василия Григоровича-Барского по святым местам»
При участии членов Архангельского отделения ИППО в Каргополе состоялась научная конференция
ИППО в Государстве Израиль
На официальном сайте председателя Совета ИППО в Государстве Израиль Игоря Ашурбейли опубликован материал, посвященный состоявшемуся в Иерусалиме торжественному приёму в честь Дня РДМ
На Сергиевском подворье состоялся посольский приём в честь Дня России
В Русской духовной миссии в Иерусалиме состоялся пасхальный приём
Молодежные проекты
Просветительская деятельность
Член Совета ИППО иерей Димитрий Сафонов провел радиопередачу, посвященную богословскому осмыслению праздника в творчестве Н.Н. Лисового
На телеканале «Спас» состоится премьерный показ фильма «По дорогам русского паломника Василия Григоровича-Барского, о городе Бари»
При участии членов ИППО студентами Высшей школы (факультета) телевидения МГУ имени М.В.Ломоносова создан фильм, посвященный Николо-Берлюковской пустыни
Гуманитарные миссии ИППО
В Марфо-Мариинской обители милосердия пройдут торжества в день памяти святых преподобномучениц Великой княгини Елизаветы Федоровны и ее келейницы сестры Варвары
При поддержке ИППО и Благотворительного фонда «Христианское милосердие» был организован Небесный Крестный ход
Официальный сайт Росфинмониторинга: Юрий Чиханчин принял участие в заседании Попечительского совета благотворительного фонда «Христианское милосердие»
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